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Momos Home Page blog blog

About me

Hi, you can call me momo, im 31

I am making a personal website about my hobbies

unfortunately i dont know any code so its kinda jank right now

To Do~

website day one: this is just place holder text atm but i will use it as a dev log i geuss

there is alot i need to do, I hyperfixated and spent 7hours on this totaly basic as heck page check back soon

day two of working on this website, I have made and added the navi buttons for home, blog and, decora, however i cant seem to get the code to work on them to actually link through to the pages

i also havent figurred out how to line up this section with the "about me" box - ive tried float, grid and flex and nothing seems to be working right i am going to have to go back through the code and figure out where i am going wrong.


i feel kind of silly its taken me all day but i was so happy when i saw those little boxes all line up - i even added a 3rd box on the other side for good measure hahah!

added back in the Navi, its just static images in a Div atm but i will try linking it all up tomorow. i still have more graphic elements to make too i have been using Aseprite for making the buttons I have been using guides frorm Sadgirl who i also got this background from and will set up a proper link page soon and W3school to get the Html basics down